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We have archived some of the most interesting, useful, and/or popular posts from our old forums. The full list of saved threads is available by clicking here: Forum Archives
As a preview, here are some of the available threads:
Posted by Mike Otoole on August 05, 1997: Whenever I’m travelling in Mexico and I arrive in a new town, the first thing I want to see is la plaza de armas, the heart of almost every Mexican village, town or city. The way it is laid out, maintained and used tell me more in […] jerezano, Oct 5, 2008: Mexican Regional accents? In another thread in response to Oscar2 and “wedos” or “weros” or what have you, Esperanza wrote: Oscar, you are talking about the word güero…pronounced WEHR-oh.<<< Interesting. Here in Zacatecas the majority of the people actually sound the g in güero or güera. GWEH rro, GWEH rrah. Also […] Posted by M R Davis on January 16, 1998 I’m interested in information on the small “native” Jewish community in Venta Prieta, Hgo. (just outside of Pachuca) and would be grateful for anything that anyone might know about it. Posted by Brian J. Larkin on January 17, 1998 There is a useful and informative site […]The prettiest zocalo in Mexico, and other plazuela wanderings
Mexican Regional accents
Venta Prieta, Hidalgo
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