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The world famous MexConnect forums (1996-2019) have been archived and are no longer being updated.

We have archived some of the most interesting, useful, and/or popular posts from our old forums. The full list of saved threads is available by clicking here: Forum Archives

As a preview, here are some of the available threads:

Motorcycles in Mexico

Posted by Tom Mills on March 29, 2000 Any general information about driving a motorcycle would be helpful. Thinking about buying one in U.S., driving into Mexico, and using it as my only means of transportation. Any thoughts on safety, security, paperwork, insurance, etc? Thanks, Tom Posted by Jeff Pearson on March 29, 2000 As […]


The Mexican equivalent of Crisco

JohnnyBoy Oct 20, 2008, 4:34 PM Post #1 of 25 (31668 views) Shortcut I need Mexican Crisco Can’t Post | Private Reply I am trying to figure out what the Mexican equivalent of Crisco is. And by Crisco I mean the solid white stuff in a can that my mother used to call “shortening” and […]


Purchasing Furniture in Guadalajara-Tonalá Area

jameslcastner Nov 4, 2013, 11:54 AM Post #1 of 18 (56338 views) Shortcut Purchasing Furniture in Guadalajara-Tonalá Area Can’t Post | Private Reply Hello, I would like to purchase rustic or hacienda type furniture to be shipped back to my home in Florida. I am looking for a reliable store or factory with quality pieces […]


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