Freemasonry Is Alive And Well At Lakeside! Axixic Lodge No. 31

articles Living, Working, Retiring

AF&AM AJIJIC Lodge #31

(Working under the jurisdiction of the
Most Worshipful York Grand Lodge of Mexico, F. & A. M.)

Axixic Lodge #31 is located in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico, and was founded in 1987. Since its founding, the Lodge has been an activity member of the community, and growing! From eight founding members, the Lodge has grown to over 60 Brothers. From its inception, the Lodge has met in various locations, private homes, art galleries, restaurants, and currently in a hotel conference room that the Lodge rents.

Regardless of venue, the Lodge has always had a Stated Communication. The Lodge’s Stated Communication is the second Wednesday of each month at the Hotel Danza del Sol in Ajijic. When there is a Candidate requiring degree work, there is a Called Communication on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the same location.

Over the years, the Lodge has been active in the community. Some examples are: Sending a Mexican teacher to Canada to attend a summer seminar, concentrating on special education needs and practices; the Lodge takes care of cleaning and tending grave-sites of foreigners interred in the Ajijic cemetery; Raising funds throughout the year in support of a Lodge sponsored Toys-for-Tots program, providing Christmas gifts to over 2000 lakeside children; coordination has begun to form an Order of the Eastern Star Chapter; and, Lodge members were instrumental in the formation of a Royal Arch Chapter that began work in August 2002.

Recently, the Lodge formed a non-profit Building Development organization to raise funds for the acquisition of a property upon which to erect a permanent Lodge. Donations are being accepted, and may be forwarded to:

The Secretary
Axixic Lodge #31 Building Development, A.C.
Apdo Postal # 316
45920 Ajijic, Jalisco

If you are planning to visit our area or move to this area, please contact the Lodge Secretary at (387) 761-0017 for additional meeting information. You will be most welcome!

There is also the Lake Chapala Shrine Club, located here. Presently, the Club has approximately 46 members, and is growing. Working under the Anezeh Shriners in Mexico City, the Club supports local handicapped children in need of the services provided by the Mexico City Shriners Hospital for Children.

If you are not a Mason, but are interested in Freemasonry, there is an information brochure for prospective applicants that discusses the aims and objectives of Freemasonry. This brochure is available through the Secretary at the address listed above.

Published or Updated on: May 3, 2008
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