Motorcycles in Mexico

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Posted by Tom Mills on March 29, 2000

Any general information about driving a motorcycle would be helpful. Thinking about buying one in U.S., driving into Mexico, and using it as my only means of transportation. Any thoughts on safety, security, paperwork, insurance, etc? Thanks, Tom

Posted by Jeff Pearson on March 29, 2000

As a FORMER motorcyclist, I’ve often thought that riding a bike in Mexico would be a lot of fun. But, in many parts of the country, I believe that it would be more hazardous than in the US. Urban conditions can be very congested and road and street conditions are quite variable. Expect to find potholes, sand, speed bumps, livestock, pedestrians, etc. at unexpected places. Some highways have heavy traffic, remember that most everything moves by truck or bus. In addition, there aren’t nearly as many motorcycles in Mexico as the US, so drivers won’t expect them. All of that increases the risk. On the other hand, most of the autopistas that I’ve traveled have had relatively light traffic. Many rural roads have similar usage. So, it depends a bit on where you’ll ride. Finally, I gave up motorcycles after bouncing off the back of a van in heavy downtown traffic in the US. I decided that there were many things more important to me than my bike. Like walking, for instance.

Posted by alex in TJ on March 29, 2000

I have heard that there are 2 kinds of motorcycle riders: the ones that have been in a wreck and the ones that are gonna be in a wreck! Alex

Posted by Oso on March 29, 2000

This may be apocryphal, but I heard the psych profile exams for astronauts had 2 questions about bikes; 1) Have you ever owned a motorcycle? 2) Do you own a motorcycle now? Supposedly the correct answer to #1 was yes, because they wanted people with adventuresome spirits willing to take risks. And the correct answer to #2 was no, because they wanted people with the maturity to know the difference between acceptable and foolish risks. I miss my bike. I owned several and lost a few minor body parts here and there. Finally I just got tired of hearing “I didn’t see you!” from people in cars who had just tried to kill me. Probably the dumbest thing I ever did was try to go from LA to Mexico City on a Yamaha 90 (I was 17) I made it across the Rumorosa but after the 4th or 5th breakdown in the Sonora desert, I got a ride with it on the back of a gravel truck back to Sonoita and left it in the storeroom of a bar in Ajo, AZ. Maybe it’s still there. I want a lightweight trials bike to hang on the front of my truck when I pull a trailer down there, but it’s going to be strictly for off-road. No more heavy traffic!

Posted by Jeff Pearson on March 29, 2000

Dirt riding is only half-crazy! 😉 Perhaps I took it up too late in life, but I gave up trail riding because I kept falling down.

Posted by dave on March 29, 2000

I am not sure if the train is still running from the border to Tepic or Guad. I met a guy years ago who shipped his bike via the train, got off in Tepic and then was camping out South of PV at La Manzanilla on the beach. If available this approach allows you to get deep into the country without the risk of driving to that spot. Food for thought!!!!! Adios

Posted by Louie M. on March 29, 2000

Safety would be just about like in U.S. but speed bumps are a problem. Paperwork would be similar to cars. Check the reference section. More security may be required. When I trailered a mc into Guadalajara my friends there always made me lock it in their secure carport.

Posted by Louie M. on March 29, 2000

Last November I met a man near Laredo, TX who had driven his nearly new Triumph down Baja, ferried into Mazatlan and then drove across the mountains into Durango and on to Monterrey and Texas. All in a relatively short time from what I gathered in our short conversation. His only problems were motion sickness over the very curvy roads over the mountains between Mazatlan and Durango (200 miles long). Any determined rider can do the same but I’m sure more care is required than normal. It’s just a matter of how much you like motorcycles.

Posted by jake on March 29, 2000

Only my humble opinion: If someone doesn’t run over you, one of the topes (speed bumps) will probably do you in. Luck.

Posted by Gary on Junio 12, 2000

I have seen nothing on this subject. I wonder whether road riding/touring by motorcycle is unheard of in Mexico. I also wondered if I could bring a car and tow a motorcycle into Mexico with an FMT.

Posted by becky on Junio 16, 2000

The HOG (Harley owners group) Mexican Hub Rally is in Oaxaca this year. I believe it is in October. I would get in touch with someone from HOG for more info or on joining a ride that’s going down.

Published or Updated on: March 29, 2000 by Discussion Thread Forum © 2009
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