The state of Nuevo León is part of the Northern Mexico Region, along with the states of Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, San Luis Potosí, and Zacatecas.
The state is an industrial powerhouse, centered on Monterrey, Mexico’s third-largest city.
The state has an unusual, elongated shape: it is very much longer north-south than west-east. The state also has a very peculiar extension in its north-eastern extremity: a tiny section of the state, only about 15 km across, runs north to the U.S. border, but is otherwise sandwiched between the states of Coahuila and Tamaulipas.
- Nuevo León– All Articles or All Recipes
Here are select articles and recipes related to Nuevo León:

What was Mexico like 70 years ago?
G. M. Bashford’s Tourist Guide to Mexico was first published exactly seventy years ago in 1954. It was one of a spate of motoring book guides written after World War II as Americans began to hit the open road and drive south in search of sunshine and adventure. How much has Mexico really changed in […]

An Evening in Nuevo Leon’s Amazing Cumbres de Monterrey National Park
At the end of a demanding day of sales visits in Nuevo León, (see Part I – Research and innovation in the plastics industry in Nuevo León), my colleague Daniel Rodríquez weaves through Monterrey’s rush hour traffic with the skill of a local taxi driver. The day’s bright sunlight is starting to fade and, as […]

Research and innovation in the plastics industry in Nuevo Leon
Friends call me Joe. I’ve spent most of the past two decades working in the plastics business, or as it’s called in Mexico, “plásticos.” I work for a New York-based supplier of materials for industry, and am tasked with generating sales at companies that can use our products to make pipe or electrical cables. There’s […]

Did You Know? Mexico in the Guinness world records: part one
In the current edition of Guinness, the Mexican responsible for most records is Sergio Rodriguez Villarreal from the northern state of Nuevo León. He specializes in creating giant Christmas figures and holds five records at the moment for the “biggest” ornaments which are (respectively) an angel, silver bauble, bell, candle and wreath. Rodriguez first designs […]
A bonding of families and countries
I can’t say I was thrilled with the idea at first, but I was never against it either. My daughter spent her junior year at Harvard studying in Spain. She came home with new-found worldliness, self-confidence, fluency in Spanish, and the love of her life. Carlos, a young Mexican man studying law in Spain, was […]
Buying a home in Mexico
Who would have thought that buying a house in Mexico would be such a scandal? Maybe it should have occurred to me beforehand that I would encounter some very unusual problems while trying to acquire property here, but I think I still had faith in the goodness of people and the future of Mexico at […]
Who would have thought?
I’ve been very quiet for the past few months; I apologize for the silence. I’m finally back, and I have BIIIIIIIIG news. No, it’s not a divorce, or a birth, or a career change that brought me a six-figure salary (too bad). But it’s certainly life-changing, and I feel a bit like a traitor…. It […]
By the way …
I’ve been living and working in Mexico for almost two years, and lately, I’ve been reflecting a great deal about my experiences-and my articles. I was going to write about Mexican family economics (and I will!), but for the moment, I need this month’s space to share some of the feelings that have resulted from […]
To bribe or not to bribe?
There´s no denying it – Mexico is a beautiful land. But there is no uglier sight in this world than what I am about to describe. Imagine a portly man dressed in black pants with a yellow stripe down the side. He is standing on the side of the street, hidden except for his pot-bellied “panza” that […]
A dog’s life
About three months ago, I was at the mall with Carlos. It was a Sunday like any other; we were simply out for a stroll around the shopping center. Carlos always goes to the pet store to look at the dogs, birds, cats, and any weird animal or reptile they may have in captivation. I […]
Mexican family economics
One of my first questions upon arriving to Monterrey was, “How do people survive here?” Salaries are so embarrassingly low for the majority of the population, and the cost of living is sky high. So how do families have enough money to pay rent, buy a car, eat, pay for private school, and provide designer […]
Odds And Ends, Or Forty Things Everyone Should Know
While in Mexico I have learned many things, some of them nice and some of them not so nice. Most of what I have “learned” just makes me chuckle, like the time my mother-in-law told me I would get anemia if I didn’t eat an egg for breakfast. My contribution this month is a stream-of-consciousness […]
Mexican driver’s ed, a Monterrey perspective
I can think of nothing more torturous than driving in Mexico. A free for all with life-threatening vehicles is not my idea of fun or adventure, but Mexicans seem to love it. When I first started driving in Mexico, I nearly died every time I turned the corner. It was petrifying. I was as careful […]
Learning to live in Mexico – index
In July 2002, I moved from Boston, Massachusetts, to Monterrey, Mexico, with the intention of remaining there for the rest of my life. It was an “international love affair” that brought me there. But I have had my doubts. Is my love for this man strong enough to keep me happy in a foreign country […]
An unexpected visit
It was 12:30 in the morning. All of a sudden I woke with a start. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. What was that? I usually wake up at the slightest noise. There was a lot of noise outside the bedroom door. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. My husband rose to answer the door. Upon opening, my sister-in-law shouted, “GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! […]
Who am I, and how did I end up in Mexico?
I remember my introduction to the theory of Chaos in the movie Jurassic Park. Mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) takes the top of Dr. Sattler’s hand (Laura Dern) and drops a tiny drop of water on it. They watch together as the water runs off. He repeats the procedure, dropping the water in the same […]
“Mamítis” in Mexico
HEALTH ADVISORY: Beware of the Mexican affliction widely known as “Mamítis”. Mamítis rears its ugly head in just about every Mexican family. It is insidious and slow to show its face, but once unleashed, it can wreak havoc on all those in its path. mamítis destroys relationships. It is dangerous, and should be given serious psychological attention as […]
Crossing over: embracing my Mexican life
I should have known from the start that the wedding would be a success. I was too quick to doubt the power of such an event to unite people across physical, social, cultural, and linguistic barriers. And perhaps, too, I doubted the desire of my family and my in-laws to meet and communicate with each […]
Who let the dogs out?
I had a dream. It was a grandiose dream featuring a pristine line of little tollbooths spanning a highway 25 lanes wide. Hundreds of cars were waiting patiently, equally distributed among the 25 lanes. There was traffic, but it moved steadily. As each car approached the little tollbooth, it pushed a button and the stop […]
Some Like It Hot!
Mexican cuisine is not for the weak at heart. Any food genre that is capable of making your throat, mouth, and lips burn for extended periods, invoking fits of hiccoughs, and wreaking havoc on stomachs, should not be taken lightly. Learning to eat Mexican is about adapting to change–slowly. The first change is adapting to […]
Forget Being John Malkovich – Being Amy Kirkcaldy
I do not claim to be half as interesting as John Malkovich, but after my experiences in moving to Mexico, I may be just as bizarre. I have been through a remarkable number of changes in a period of about 10 months. Some days I think I’ve weathered the storm with grace and even start […]
Latin lovers or macho men?
Mexican men, like the rest of the world, get their ideas about American women from watching talk shows, soap operas, and movies. Therefore, they think we are terribly easy, unfaithful, and willing to hop into bed with any man who comes along. We all get divorced, none of us want children, and in general, we […]
So You Want To Marry A Mexican?
I saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and I thought, how different could a Mexican-American wedding be? Well, while there are many, many similarities, I overlooked the fact that my wedding is being held in a different country and in a different language. At least in the movie everyone is still in the United States, […]
Art is alive and well in Monterrey
One of the pleasures of even a brief visit to Monterrey is the chance to explore its art museums and galleries. There are three important art museums in the city. The Museo de Monterrey (at Ave. Alfonso Reyes 2202 Nte, open Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 to 20:00), housed in the original buildings of Cervecería Cuauhtemoc, […]

Tony Burton’s Self-Guided Tours: The Sights of Monterrey
Monterrey may not be the oldest city in the country, or retain many signs of its colonial past, but it is one of Mexico’s most vibrant cities today, with lots of sights for the traveler. Interactive computer terminals located at strategic points, including the airport and major hotels, help visitors find out about the city’s […]
Moving to Monterrey
Posted by Rob on Junio 07, 2000 I am moving to Monterey, and would like to know what it is like to live there. I already have a job there, but will I be accepted among the people? Are there any good places to rent? Is it safe for me and my girlfriend? Please respond, […]
TAGS – States, Regions, Cities
Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, México (State of), México City, D.F., Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatán, Zacatecas,
Monterrey: In Mexico, the North Star shines
Fortune magazine recently voted Monterrey, capital of the northern state of Nuevo León, as the best city in Latin America in which to do business. A brief look at the statistics for Nuevo León gives you some idea of why this Mexican-U.S. border state continues to be not only the business capital of Mexico, but […]
5.5 dimensions of cross-cultural love part 2
Last month I compared the phases of cross-cultural love to being inside the head of John Malkovich. Forget Being John Malkovich – Being Amy Kirkcaldy This month, only 50 days away from my wedding, my perspective has changed; I don´t think being John Malkovich is crazy enough to describe what I am feeling right now! […]