Seasonal Dining: Mexican Wild Game – Part Two: Rabbit and Venison

As discussed in last month’s column, wild game played an important culinary role in pre-Hispanic Mexico. Although the Aztecs, Maya and other Mesoamerican people relied on corn as the staple food, along with a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, the carbohydrate-rich diet was supplemented by animal protein. The Aztecs had only five domesticated animals, […]

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Red, White Or Green: Warm Up The Winter With Pozole

When Francisco Hernandez de Córdoba, having set sail from Cuba in 1517, met a Maya in a canoe off the island of Cozumel, he was given gourds of water and balls of ground maize. This Mayan keyem, more commonly called by the Nahuatl name posolli, was the sustenance food carried by travelers in pre-Hispanic Mexico. Culinary anthropologist Sophie Coe […]

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Mexican mangos © Daniel Wheeler, 2009

Mexican mangos: fantastic flavor, big business

Ask any Mexican to name his or her favorite fruit, and chances are the answer will be el mango. From very early spring until late summer, mangos are everywhere: stacked into symmetrical montones (“mountains”) in the markets, sold in the street on sticks, with the flesh cut to resemble flower petals, or in large glass jars in a spicy […]

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Calendar of Mexican food festivals

Possibly no other country in the world has as many festivals, fairs and feast days as Mexico. National holidays, religious holidays and people’s santos (saints’ days) are all celebrated with gusto, as are the observances of the patron saints of virtually every city, town and pueblito. The santoral, or calendar of saints’ days, is so crowded with names […]

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Cooking with tequila: Mexico’s national drink moves into the kitchen – Part One

Mexican Kitchen To Part 2 Tequila: the name alone conjures up a variety of images associated with the Mexican cultural landscape. From its beginnings in the blue agave fields of Jalisco, to its consumption in humble cantinas and trendy restaurants, tequila is the quintessentially Mexican drink. The incredible growth industry which has spawned over three hundred new […]

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Colima crest


The state of Colima, one of the smallest in Mexico, is part of the Central Pacific Region of Mexico, along with the states of Jalisco, Michoacán and Nayarit. The state has a population of about 750,000; its capital city is Colima. The state includes the western flanks of Colima Volcano, one of the most active […]

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