Mexico’s Christmas Traditions and Customs
Few North Americans recognize that the roots of these treasured “Christmas” traditions were active long before the birth of Christ. In fact, most evolved from pagan winter solstice rituals of the Celts, Druids, Scandinavians and indigenous groups, and the much older Jewish Festival of Lights. While the most beloved Mexican Christmas traditions are firmly based on the birth of Christ, the timing of the celebration coincides with Mexico’s ancient worship of the sun. During the nine darkest days of winter, the Aztecs celebrated the God of the Sun, pleading for his return and praising both the Sun and his virgin mother goddess.

- Mexican Posadas and a Famous Christmas Carol by Jenny McGill
- Las Posadas: the nine days of Christmas by Maggie Van Ostrand
- A Christmas Tree in Mexico by Phyllis Rauch
- Christmas Holidays in Mexico: Festivals of Love, Light and Peace by Judy King
- Posadas, Pastorelas and Nacimientos by Luis Dumois
- Las Posadas by Maggie Van Ostrand
- Mexico’s Christmas Tradition – El Nacimiento by Judy King
- Las Posadas by Mexican Consulate, Austin, Texas
- Pidiendo Posada – The verses, en Español & English by Dale Hoyt Palfrey
- Pidiendo Posada- Printable Music Sheet by Dale Hoyt Palfrey
- Feliz Navidad – Making Merry in Mexico by Dale Hoyt Palfrey
- Cascarones: Egging on Mexican fiestas by Dale Hoyt Palfrey
- “Noche Buena” The Poinsettia & Mexico
- Piñatas boast deep historical roots by Dale Hoyt Palfrey
- Las Piñatas – History by Wendy Devlin
- El Cohetero by Dale Hoyt Palfrey
- The poinsettia, Mexico’s Christmas gift to the world by Diodora Bucur
- Season of the Sacred: Rediscovering Christmas in Mexico by Sylvia Brenner
Regional Christmas Stories:
- Suspicious stranger visits a rural taco stand by
- Christmas in the Sierra Madre Mountains by Jenny McGill
- December in Oaxaca by Maria Diaz
- Christmas magic in Oaxaca: A multi-faceted experience of culture & tradition by Alvin Starkman
- Surface Tension. A story based on Oaxaca’s celebration La Noche de los Rábanos, December 23 by Mary Ellen Sanger
- Radiant radishes: La Noche de Rabanos in Oaxaca by Tara Lowry
- Jalapeña Christmas – A Holiday in Xalapa by Roy Dudley
- Christmas in Mexico City by Edythe Anstey Hanen
Viewers’ Christmas Stories:
Food and menu ideas
- Mexican Christmas menu ideas: Posadas, Noche Buena, Navidad
- La Cocina de Navidad – A Christmas Kitchen in Mexico En Español
- A Mexican Christmas dinner: tamales, turkey, tejocotes, by Karen Hursh Graber
- Mexican Oven Recipes for Turkey by Karen Hursh Graber
- Mexican Stove-Top Recipes for Turkey by Karen Hursh Graber
- Mexican Christmas Cookies: Galletas de Navidad by Karen Hursh Graber
- Mexican stuffing for Christmas turkey: Relleno para totol de nochebuena
- Christmas Chicken Breasts with Squash Blossoms: Pechugas Navideñas

Images of Christmas in Mexico
- History of the Piñata
- Huellas… del Cohetero
- Jalapeña Christmas – A Holiday in Xalapa
- Radiant radishes: La Noche de Rabanos in Oaxaca by Tara Lowry
- Mexico City Christmas Lights by Daniel Wheeler

Published or Updated on: December 1, 2011 by Index Page © 2010
Are there any Posada processions in Mexico City on Christmas Eve?