Bulletin boards and forums about Mexico

articles Travel & Destinations

Ron Mader

Electronic bulletin boards are the digital-age equivalent of cork message boards. Instead of thumbtacks, all that is required is a click of a mouse to post a question or announce an event. Many of the Mexico-related bulletin boards are linked to traditional websites. The bulletin board, however, empowers the reader and facilitates greater interaction between news “producers” and “consumers.” You can even create your own free bulletin board by visiting Insidetheweb.com. The following are just a fraction of the bulletin boards on the Web that deal with Mexico.

Mexico Online

One of the pioneering Mexico websites – dating back to 1993 – the California-based Mexico Online (or Mexico Amigo) boasts a lively bulletin board system with sections focusing on Baja California, business, legal issues, living in Mexico, Mundo Maya, and travel. Moderated by website owner Rolf Metzger, the discussions are always lively and on-track. The Baja board is one of the better sections. Registration is required.

Other bulletin boards in Mexico

Mexico City Bulletin Board

The Federal District government often responds to questions more promptly when they are posted on this site.

Yahoo Mexico

Rather superficial coverage, but worth checking out.

Published or Updated on: January 1, 2006 by Ron Mader © 2008
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