Temples of the Mist: Mayan 6th Sun

AuthorHouse (Bloomington, Indiana), 2009 Available from Amazon Books: Paperback Temples of the Mist is for teenagers and about teenagers. Seventeen-year-old Caleana and her thirteen-year-old brother Marsh were part of a happy family, a California beach-town family that had a “deep longing to make a difference in the world,” a family where the mother practiced yoga and wrote […]

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Sweet Spot: A novel about Mazatlan Carnival, Dirty Politics, and Baseball

Adoro Books, 2009 Available from Amazon Books: Paperback The back cover of Sweet Spot tells us that author “Linton Robinson was a journalist in Mazatlán and other Mexico cities for years. And played a little ball in his time.” His protagonist and narrator — Raymundo Carrasco — likewise was a journalist in Mexico for years. And played a […]

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The Isthmus: Stories from Mexico’s Past, 1495-1995

iUniverse, 2009 Available from amazon.com (In Hardcover and Paperback) For years, I have been curious about “the isthmus,” or more formally “The Isthmus of Tehuantepec,” perhaps in part because Frida Kahlo loved so much the traditional clothing of this rarely visited section of southern Mexico, or perhaps because I love the Zapotec rugs that come […]

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Traveler’s Guide to Camping Mexico’s Baja by Mike and Terry Church

Available from Amazon Books: Paperback A while ago, I reviewed for MexConnect another useful book by Mike & Terri Church: Traveler’s Guide to Mexican Camping, 3rd Edition. LINK That book — in 512 packed pages — covers all of Mexico, and even Belize. Eighty pages are devoted to the Baja. A few months before that, I reviewed another book […]

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Drink One to Me, Christian Bennett by Vicki Allen

Available from Amazon Books: Hardcover How about a romance novel set in Mexico? Yes! And complete with a beautiful young girl, Abigail Carnegie Christensen, twenty-four, who is of course headstrong and independent; and a bad man who is handsome and powerful, who is in fact a legendary drug lord named Esai Molinero; and his equally handsome […]

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Gods, Gachupines and Gringos: A People’s History of Mexico by Richard Grabman

Gods, Gachupines and Gringos: A People’s History of Mexico First Edition, 472 pages Editorial Mazatlán (Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México), 2008 Available from Amazon here I have about fifteen feet of shelf space devoted to books about Mexico and novels set (at least in part) in Mexico. I have one foot of space for favorites, which include […]

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