Frida Kahlo

Famous Mexicans on their stamps – Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was a talented artist considered by many to be a modern master. She also was a tough lady, fighting physical adversity from early childhood. Her artwork provides a look into her tormented body and soul. Her colorful, graphic paintings mirror her life story. Both are controversial! She holds several firsts as a Mexican […]

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Mythology and legends of the Nahua people: The creation of the universe

Mythology and Legends of the Nahua People: Essays on Ancient Mexico Part 1: “The Creation of the Universe” Part 2: “Legend of the Fifth Sun” Part 3: “Creation of the Fifth Sun at Teotihuacan” As the future unfolds, history is tucked away into the past. We see this past because our ancestors recorded the events of their […]

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Mythology and legends of the Nahua people: Legend of the Fifth Sun

Mythology and Legends of the Nahua People: Essays on Ancient Mexico Part 1: “The Creation of the Universe” Part 2: “Legend of the Fifth Sun” Part 3: “Creation of the Fifth Sun at Teotihuacan” In the mythology of the Nahua people, The Legend of the Fifth Sun is a telling of the past before the existence of […]

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Mythology and legends of the Nahua people: Creation of the Fifth Sun at Teotihuacan

Mythology and Legends of the Nahua People: Essays on Ancient Mexico Part 1: “The Creation of the Universe” Part 2: “Legend of the Fifth Sun” Part 3: “Creation of the Fifth Sun at Teotihuacan” In the mythology of ancient Mexico the world began not with a Genesis overseen by one almighty god, but with a creation resulting […]

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Amate painted by Gerardo Mendoza

Did You Know? Most “bark paper” comes from wild fig trees

Besides being used as a kind of rough paper for records and correspondence, amate was also cut into human or animal forms as part of witchcraft rituals after which it would be buried in front of the person’s house or animal enclosure. Colorful paintings on papel amate or bark paper are sold throughout central Mexico, virtually anywhere […]

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First flight – an excerpt from the book: Agave Marias

– an excerpt from the book: “Agave Marias – border crossers, boundary breakers.” by various authors. My reprobate pilot is a doctor. His own health problems prompted early retirement to Mexico. When he couldn’t pass a health exam for a new flying license, he changed a 3 to an 8 on the expiration date of […]

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Maid in Mexico – an excerpt from the book: Agave Marias

– an excerpt from the book: “Agave Marias – border crossers, boundary breakers.” by various authors. When I refer to “my Mexican maid,” my Canadian friends cringe. I suspect they picture a stooped crone in a shawl, scrubbing my floors on her hands and arthritic knees. Lupita is young, a handsome woman with strong features, […]

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Going for a Mexican ride – an excerpt from the book: Agave Marias

– an excerpt from the book: “Agave Marias” by various authors. I’m sorry your husband couldn’t come today. He’s a much better driver than you are. No offense, its just that, generally speaking, women aren’t very good drivers. Watch out for that kid on the bike. Driving in Mexico here, its not easy, especially for […]

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Three señoras named Lola – an excerpt from the book Agave Marias

– an excerpt from the book: “Agave Marias – border crossers, boundary breakers.” by various authors. Two things the three señoras had in common were poverty and pain. Even their names, Dolores, meaning pains, seemed to cast a grim prognostication on their lives. Their informal names of Lola did nothing to lighten their load. Lola […]

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