My journey with La Calaca: a Day of the Dead experience

Mexico’s Day of the Dead – resource page

November 1, All Saints Day, and November 2, All Souls Day, are marked throughout Mexico by intriguing customs that vary widely according to the ethnic roots of each region. Common to all, however, are colorful adornments and lively reunions at family burial plots, the preparation of special foods, offerings laid out for the departed on […]

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Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in poetry — Shooting Script: Door of Fire

Eastern Washington University Press, 2003 Available from Amazon Books: Paperback Decades after their deaths, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera continue to fascinate us, compelling us to still pay attention to them, through works like Frida: A Biography, by Hayden Herrera (1983); or, derived from Herrera’s book, Frida (2002) — starring look-a-like Salma Hayek — a movie that should have won a few Academy Awards; […]

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Juan Compo. Tree Goddess

Juan Compo and his Ancient American Goddess Art

Ancient American Goddess images by Juan Compo, in paintings, murals, wall hangings, posters and fabrics, are now in private collections in the USA, Canada and Mexico. Juan Compo is the name chosen by a fifth generation Canadian artist who built his Mexican studio in Ajijic on Lake Chapala in 1991. Viewers of a like-mind are […]

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Mexico, A Love Story: Women Write About the Mexican Experience

Mexico, A Love Story: women write about the Mexican experience

Mexico, A Love Story: Women Write About the Mexican Experience Camille Cusumano, Editor, Seal Press: 2006 Available from Amazon Books: Paperback Mexico is a country infused with goddess energy. When you’re in her arms, you want to stay there, cradled in her warm, moist smells, re-charged by her underbelly of pulsating earth energy, and sustained by […]

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cover of Seeker by Rita Pomade

Seeker: A Sea Odyssey by Rita Pomade (Guernica Editions, 2019)

The title – Seeker: A Sea Odyssey  – is illustrative because the adventure at sea that this book chronicles is indeed one, which reflects the epic journey of Odysseus, with tropical storms, pirates, paradisiacal islands, mystical beliefs, palm readings, predictions, shattered sails, and a broken mast. Also, beneath it all is a relationship strained to the […]

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