The costumes worn by Conchero Dancers can easily cost a life's savings. They are heavily influenced by Miztec or Aztec design.

Masks and feather headdresses: Mexicans celebrate danzas

Mexicans love to wear masks, to dance and make music in a blazing display of fireworks, feasting and shooting off pistols. Appearances are deceptive; even the poorest pueblo collects money to celebrate the patron saint’s day, the Virgin of Guadalupe, Independence Day and whatever else calls for gaiety and loud noise. Religious and historical dances […]

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Mexico by Motorcycle: An adventure Story and Guide - cover image

Mexico by Motorcycle: An adventure Story and Guide

Available from Amazon Books:   Paperback and Kindle William Kaliher’s book Mexico by Motorcycle is, for the most part, a user friendly mixed bag of suggestion and admonitions for the motorcyclist planning to travel Mexico by bike. But it’s also a bit more. Mr. Kaliher has been to Mexico many times over the years since his first bike trip […]

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Angustia. (Mexican Muralists: The Big Three - Orozco, Rivera and Siqueiros)

David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974)

Fue el muralista más activo, en cuanto a la política se refiere. Siqueiros fue encarcelado unas siete veces y otras exiliado, a causa de sus creencias Marxista-Stalinistas. Estuvo activo en las revoluciones contra Huerta y peleó del lado republicano en la Guerra Civil Española. Como tenía nexos con otras organizaciones de artistas, viajó a la […]

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