The cuisine of Tlaxcala: food and tradition in central Mexico

Tiny Tlaxcala may be Mexico’s smallest state but it is one of the most quintessentially Mexican in its traditions, especially in the realm of cuisine. The same artistic flair with which the people of this area painted their ancient temple murals was applied to the creation of their regional dishes. Since pre-Colombian times, Tlaxcaltecos have used a […]

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The cuisine of Chiapas: Dining in Mexico’s last frontier

Although the mention of Chiapas frequently brings to mind images of masked revolutionaries and steamy jungles, Mexico’s southernmost state is a beautiful combination of mountains, plains and seacoast where tourism is once again flourishing as people rediscover the wonders of a region with deep pre-Hispanic routes. Long before the Europeans advanced into Chiapas from the […]

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Regional Cuisines Of Guerrero: From Beaches to Mountains

This seems like a good time of year to talk about the culinary specialties of Guerrero, the Mexican state whose coastline is home to some of the country’s most popular winter resorts, including Acapulco and Zihuatenejo. Chilly northerners flock to their beaches to enjoy sunbathing, water sports, and the area’s abundant seafood. But although the […]

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The cuisine of Colima: Tropical delights from Mexico’s Pacific coast

Bordering on the Pacific Ocean, and nestled up against against Jalisco and Michoacan, the small state of Colima enjoys the best of both culinary worlds: the ocean’s bounty of fresh seafood, and the typical ranch dishes of Western Mexico. In addition, it boasts a legacy of over 3,000 years of continuous civilization, and the attendant […]

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Calendar of Mexican food festivals

Possibly no other country in the world has as many festivals, fairs and feast days as Mexico. National holidays, religious holidays and people’s santos (saints’ days) are all celebrated with gusto, as are the observances of the patron saints of virtually every city, town and pueblito. The santoral, or calendar of saints’ days, is so crowded with names […]

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A clay casserole of mole for a Oaxaca feast © Alvin Starkman, 2007

The Cuisine of Oaxaca, Land of the Seven Moles

While Mexican cooking varies from one region of the country to another, no State compares with Oaxaca in the variety of cuisines found within its borders. The natural geographic divisions created by the mountain ranges (Sierras) criss-crossing the state, have given rise to distinct cultures and micro climates within Oaxaca. Differing local foods and their culinary use […]

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The cuisines of Northern Mexico: La cocina norteña

Living in southern Mexico and making frequent trips to visit family and friends north of the border, we have taken many different routes to the frontera. From Tamaulipas, which connects the tropical south to the northern plains, to Sonora, where the vistas range from colonial towns to picture-perfect cowboy country, we have enjoyed all of our travels […]

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The Cuisine of Tabasco: Heartland Of Pre-Hispanic Cooking

Nestled along the southernmost coast of the Gulf of Mexico is the state of Tabasco, birthplace of the Olmecs, called the “mother culture of Mesoamerica”, and the Chontal Maya, famous as seafaring tradesmen. This impressive heritage, combined with bountiful natural resources, has helped Tabasco preserve significant elements of its ancient cuisine. According to Conaculta’s series […]

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