Frank Henry, an English silver mining engineer who worked in Mexico during the Revolution of 1910. This is part of a letter written by his wife Edith on December 23rd, 1915, days before he was killed. © Julia Swanson, 2006

Murder in Mexico: an English family during the Revolution

My grandfather, Frank Henry, was an English silver mining engineer in Mexico during the Revolution of 1910-16. This is the story of a family’s harrowing escape from marauding bandits at the height of the Revolution. Sadly, it was without my grandfather, as he had been brutally murdered by the bandits while defending their home from […]

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The history of Mexico – a resource page featuring many aspects of Mexican history

A comprehensive presentation of Mexico’s history including timelines, famous people, ancient history, modern history, the peoples of Mexico, ethnic origins, Indigenous Mexico (Mayan, Huichol, Tarahumara) Mexico’s historical traditions and many other articles of significance to the Mexicophile. The Time-Line View: from 3500 B.C. to the present day. This view is fully integrated allowing the reader […]

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Join us to experience the other Mexico and the roads our ancestors traveled.

The Pre-Hispanic, The Colonial, The Royal Roads Of Morelos And Puebla

Step by step, all roads are formed by those who walk them. The roads of Mexico were first formed by native people walking from city to city. These roads – some paved – were used for conducting warfare, cultural interchange, and commerce. Later these same roads were trod by the heavy horses of the conquering […]

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Mexico’s famous historical people – a chronological list of Mexican makers of history

940? – ? Quetzalcoatl 1403 – 1473 Nezahualcoyotl ? – 1469 Moctezuma Ilhuicamina (I) 1480? – 1520 Moctezuma Xocoyotl (II) 1489? – 1531? Jeronimo de Aguilar 1485 – 1547 Hernan Cortés 1495 – 1525 Cuauhtemoc 14?? – 1550 Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán “Bloody Guzman” ? – ? La Malinche In Search of Malinche – the […]

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Mexico – Mexican history time-line overview- resource page

Although all countries have visible remains of their history, Mexico seems to have reminders of its past in just about every town you visit. Due to Mexico’s vast history this portion of MexConnect contains an overview of the country’s history showing what the rest of the world was up to as Mexico evolved. We have […]

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The Maya Civilization: Historical Conflict with the Spaniards (part 2)

The Maya Civilization Historical Conflict Part 2 (To Part 1) “Just because of the crazy times, because of the crazy priests, is it that sadness overtook us, that ‘Christianity’ overcame us. Because the ‘very Christians’ came here with the true God, but that was the beginning of our misery, the beginning of the tribute… the […]

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La Civilización Maya Conflicto Histórico Parte 1

No hay verdad en las palabras de los extranjeros. Chilam Balam de Chumayel Las noticias nos llegan todos los días. Denuncias de movimientos del ejército mexicano en Chiapas; pronunciamientos y declaraciones de diferentes grupos y líderes; comisiones de paz que nacen y mueren como las flores del campo. Violencia y matanzas. Injusticia y opresión. Artículos […]

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La Civilización Maya: Conflicto Histórico, Parte 2

El libro del Chilam Balam de Chumayel es el más importante de los códices o manuscritos propiamente mayas que hasta hoy se conocen. Este libro recoge tradiciones orales de la historia maya; parte de ella, la llegada de los españoles al país: “Solamente por el tiempo loco, por los locos sacerdotes, fue que entró en […]

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The Maya Civilization, references

De la Garza, Mercedes, y León-Portilla, Miguel, Literatura Maya. Compilación de textos: Popol Vuh, Memorial de Sololá, Libro de Chilam Balam de Chumayel, Rabinal Achí, Libro de los Cantares de Dzibalché, Título de los Señores de Totonicapán, Las historias de los Xpantzay, Códice de Calkiní. Biblioteca Ayacucho. Caracas, Venezuela, 1980. ISBN: 84-499-1303-9. Landa, Fray Diego […]

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