In search of Malinche – the Mexican Mata Hari

With only 618 soldiers and sailors, four cannon, several brass guns, and sixteen horses, Hernàn Cortéz – also known as Hernando Cortés – brought about the collapse of the Aztec Empire, thereby accomplishing the Conquest of Mexico, considered by historians the greatest military feat in history. Historians also agree that without the help of a […]

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Prickly Pear Cactus Flower

Did You Know? Trade in Mexico’s cacti grew in the 1840s

A young Belgian botanist established a business exporting Mexican cacti to Europe back in the 1840s. Henri Guillaume Galeotti was born on September 10, 1814, in Paris. In early childhood, he moved, with his Milanese father, to Belgium, where he studied natural history at the Establissement Géographique de Brussels. This school had been founded in […]

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Tribute Page from the Codex Mendoza

Did you know? Mexico’s Domesday Book

Mexico’s equivalent of the Domesday book was compiled in the sixteenth century. History shows that conquerors often have very little idea of what they have really acquired until it is firmly within their grasp. One of their first steps following victory is a comprehensive survey of everything of value, or potential value. For instance, in […]

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Hacienda San Juan de Tlaxco, Tlaxcala: The people

Dateline – Tlaxco, Tlaxcala, Mexico August 3, 1998 Night-shadows play over the weathered stone markers in the small abandoned graveyard. A soft breeze rustles the leaves of the tall camphor trees like spirits whispering in the darkness. Last night the ghost of Don Miguel was sighted again on the other side of the ravine. He […]

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Fighting liberal: The stormy career of Santos Degollado (18?? – 1856)

Those who characterize liberals as wimps or ineffective bleeding hearts would think twice if they lived in the era of a fiery and committed jurist and reformer named Santos Degollado. Along with the politician-scientist Melchor Ocampo and the poet-journalist Guillermo Prieto, Degollado was one of the bright young men in the inner circle of Progressives […]

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