Racism And Business In Mexico

Doing Business in Mexico Although denied officially and, personally by many Mexicans, racism in Mexico is so evident that most foreigners notice it right away. All you have to do is look at Mexican-produced television programs, especially the internationally-known genre of Mexican telenovelas (soap operas). There you will see many Caucasians playing leading roles, while the darker-complected […]

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Just The Facts Ma’am, Or Will My Hunch Do?

Doing Business in Mexico I get many inquiries from non-Mexicans interested in investing in or starting a new business in Mexico. The inquiries usually ask the normal “administrative” curiosities: What are the numbers for the industry? (Sales, outlets, what have you). How competitive is the market; how easy/difficult it is to get the legal permits, […]

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Mexotic Products

Doing Business in Mexico To many outside Mexico, the country often seems “exotic.” Described as “surreal,” endless description about the inner soul of Mexico (the ” Mexico Profundo,” or the “Deep Mexico”), complex, traditional, contradictory, passive-aggressive are just but a few words often heard when referring to Mexico. No doubt, the pre-Columbian heritage has added to […]

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Power Play

Doing Business in Mexico Empowering employees in Mexico presents a different series of challenges than in the United States. Mexico’s hierarchical and authoritarian tradition makes it extremely difficult for managers to delegate responsibilities to their employees—something any manager or director must do to run an efficient business. Empowerment in Mexico can be successful, though, if […]

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You Owe Me One! Or the Concept of Favors in Mexico and in the U.S.A.

Doing Business in Mexico Favors are done in every culture, but how favors are given and received differs among cultures. Comparing the mainstream U.S. culture and Mexico regarding this issue, we find striking differences, which often lead to important misunderstandings among people. In the U.S., informal favors are seen as voluntary actions, which nevertheless create […]

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