Bright berries on Mexico's tropical Pua-kenikeni or bishop's egg plant. © Linda Abbott Trapp, 2006, 2010

Moonflower, bishop’s egg and maritime pine: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico

Common names, scientific names, use and care, cultivation and propagation tips, flowering habits, history and little-known facts for the curious tourist or resident Family: Solanaceae Alternate Names: Angels Trumpets, Moon Flower Use: In tropical and sub-tropical climates, this fast-growing shrub is an attractive isolated lawn or garden specimen, and is sometimes used in borders. In cooler areas, it […]

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The canna lily is also called "Indian Shot" for its hard, round seeds. The plant flourishes in a Puerto Vallarta garden. © Linda Abbott Trapp 2008

Caladium, candleabra cactus and canna lily: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico

Three beautiful options for your tropical garden in Mexico are the caladium, candleabra cactus and canna lily. Family: Araceae Alternate Name: Geraniums of the South Use: The caladium is a bedding or container plant grown for its colorful foliage. There is some debate about its some seven to seventeen varieties, their names and origins, but all are beautiful. […]

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Colorful homes in Las Animas, an attractive residential area in the southeast area of Xalapa. © Donald J. MacKay, 2009

Expat living in Mexico: Xalapa vs. Ajijic

Reports written some years ago about Jalapa, (or Xalapa as the locals prefer to spell it) Veracruz in MexConnect caught my eye. These tout the pleasant climate, cultural attractions, the presence of universities, lack of foreigners, and metropolitan character. My wife and I thought it would be a pleasant contrast from Ajijic where we live year-round. In […]

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