Escena de peregrinos en busca de posada, clay and polychrome figurine, author unknown, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, 2002 © Anthony Wright, 2012

Mexican tradition: Pidiendo Posada, the words to the song

When reenacting Mary and Joseph’s quest for shelter in Bethlehem, participants in the traditional Posada processions stop to sing a litany at several designated homes. The verses alternate one by one between those seeking lodging outside and those responding from behind the door. The lyrics are as follows: Español English Outside Singers Inside Response Outside […]

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Comparing Management Differences – Cultural Myths

“What works here ought to work in Mexico.” Not so. You cannot transplant Canadian or US techniques, methods and management styles without adapting them and expect them to work successfully. “What is new and modern is the most effective.” What is new and effective in one environment, will not automatically work in a different culture […]

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Comparing management differences in Mexico with Canada and the US

Doing business in Mexico is very different than in Canada and the US. The values, social practices, managerial methods, and belief systems of the Mexican worker and Mexican manager are different. They are so different in certain areas that the Canadian/US manager or business person who does not take the time to understand these differences […]

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Comparing cultural differences: Mexico with Canada and the United States

Although the three countries that make up North America are physically close, Mexico is simply a different country than her northern neighbors. Mexico has a different history and thus a different culture and ways of doing and looking at things. Many people have assumed that things are the same “south of the border”, with sometimes […]

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The 100-mile road which winds from Creel, elevation 7,500 feet, to Batopilas, 1,650 feet, is narrow and — at points — treacherous, especially in the last 30 or so miles. This part of Mexico's Copper Canyon is remote and rugged. © Geri Anderson 2001.

Living healthy in Mexico: Insurance, health care and Mexico’s medical tourism – a resource page

Some are surprised at the quality of health care in Mexico. But the climate, diet and openness to alternative therapies all contribute to healthy living. In addition, Mexico is recognized throughout Latin America as a leader in cutting edge medicine, with world class hospitals and health care professionals. For medical tourism, Mexico is the logical […]

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Mexico’s popular sayings: A taste for dichos

Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk O.K. I admit it! I love ‘dichos’ (sayings or proverbs). Not, ‘nachos’ or ‘ponchos’, but dichos! Yes, those little nuggets of folk wisdom distilled down through generations of wise Mexicans. O.K. I developed a taste for sayings in English even before I found their equivalent in Spanish. You know […]

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Doing business in Mexico: general legal, business & entry issues

NOTE: This article is dated but much of the general information still applies. Details should be confirmed with your nearest Mexican consulate or trade mission. Legal Framework Mexico has embarked on thee modernisation of its legal and judicial systems, and has introduced a substantial deregulation and improvement in the enforcement of its laws. Mexico’s legal […]

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Know The Law In Mexico – Marriage And Divorce In Mexico

Here are two widely varying topics. Marriage, everyone loves to talk about. Divorce, not a very popular topic. Fortunately, or unfortunately, they are facts of life. Many people come to us inquiring about both. This article is to give you some guidelines in these matters. For foreigners, if you are not prepared, it can be […]

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