The state of Colima, Mexico – basic information

Colima is the third smallest of Mexico’s 32 states. Nestled between Jalisco to the north, Michoacán to the east, and hugged on its western boundary by the Pacific Ocean, it covers an area of 2,106 square miles (5,455 kilometers), with a coastline extending 97.5 miles (157 kilometers) and territorial waters claiming 823.5 square miles (2,133 […]

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How foreigners can purchase real estate in Mexico’s restricted areas

Foreigners can buy or invest in real estate in Mexico without any restriction, except in the coastal and border areas. There, foreign individuals and branches of foreign corporations can have 100% control of property through a real estate bank trust. Mexican corporations with foreign capital are allowed to buy directly if the property is to […]

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A clear day in Mexico City © Anthony Wright, 2011

In Mexico, legal software must be part of corporate export strategies to the United States

The US is an important market for the Mexican manufacturer. However, when planning to export goods, cultural differences cam come into play, and it is crucial to understand them. A fish export company in Massachusetts was fined US $10,000 for infringing laws on software copyright protection, a matter of particular interest to Mexican companies that […]

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Travel and expat medical insurance in Mexico

Insurance can seem quite complicated. What is best for you and why? If you’re spending time in Mexico, can you take your medical policy with you? Or should you purchase travel insurance? Are there other alternatives? It all depends… What is admitted health insurance? In the insurance industry, “admitted” means “licensed, registered and permitted to […]

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Spanish immersion programs Mexico, Canada, Spain

Short of finding a Spanish-speaking partner to live with, the next most effective method of learning Spanish is to enroll in a true immersion program. There are many excellent ones. Most programs not only provide an immersion in the language, but they also provide a cultural experience as well. The programs in Canada and the […]

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Learning Spanish in Mexico (and other countries too!)

Mexico – Canada – USA – Spain IMAC Spanish Language Program in Guadalajara Choosing a Spanish school in Mexico Learning Spanish by immersion: Does it work? Telenovelas, my secret obsession: learning and practicing Spanish Speaking Spanish Like a Native – Golden Zone Publications and available on here Carl Franz’s review of books for learning Spanish Hints on […]

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The Cultural Contexts Of Mexican Business Dealings: From Stereotypes to Respect

Too often, individual actors in a relationship allow themselves to be influenced by their preconceptions about how another party will behave without knowing from direct experience. These stereotypes can be especially striking when the relationship between the two parties is a formal one, as is often the case in international business relationships between Mexican and […]

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