Did You Know? Tequila dates from the sixteenth century
In 1897, Carl Lumholtz, the famous Norwegian ethnologist, who spent several years living with remote Indian tribes in Mexico, found that the Huichol Indians in eastern Nayarit distilled agave juice using simple pot stills, the pots being quite unlike any other Spanish or pre-Columbian vessels. By 1944, Henry Bruman, a University of California geographer, had […]
Beef fajitas with tequila: Fajitas de res al tequila
At the El Callejon restaurant in Tequila, Jalisco, my questions about preparation and proportions led to an invitation to their large, open kitchen area, where there was always something appetizing sizzling on the grill. This is a good recipe for outdoor cooking, but may also be prepared in a skillet. Although the tequila was added […]
Did you know? Agaves function as Mexico’s 7-Elevens
Agaves can be thought of as another chain of “7-Elevens”. The numerous members of the Agave family are all native to the New World. “Agave” is derived from the Greek word “agauos” (admirable). Agaves, the “admirable plants”, are the source of several commercial products, including tequila, the equally admirable national drink. Known as “magueys” in Spanish, the plants have […]
Did you know? Some tequila is priced at $225,000
I know what you’re thinking: “Tequila prices have been rising for years, but 225,000 dollars for a bottle is ridiculous!” “Are we talking about a regular-sized bottle, or a supersized jumbo-jet full of liquor?” It may be ridiculous, but it is nonetheless true. The tequila company Tequila Ley .925 issued a press release in July […]
Mexico: a visit to Patzcuaro, Tzintzuntzan, Tequila and Mazatlan
A Woman’s Perspective on Living in Mexico Two of my life-long friends from California have been visiting with me the past two weeks. This is Marcy’s third visit. It’s Nancy’s first. I’m always nervous about first-time visitors. Will they see Mexico the way I do? Can they get past the poverty to see the beauty […]