AA: Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Mexico

Your Sanborn’s Travelog has a complete list of meetings. The following information was excerpted from Mike’s book, Live Better South of the Border. This material is NOT copyrighted and you are free to download it and share it with others. That’s the idea, isn’t it? You’ll find AA throughout Mexico, even in small towns. NA has a sizable […]

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Jim Sweeney

Jim Sweeney has been a high school English teacher, a tutor, a union organizer and the author of four audio tour tapes of Venice and Rome. Always fascinated by the influence of Neal Cassady on Jack Kerouac’s novel On The Road, Jim spent five weeks in San Miguel de Allende in 2002 researching the last days of […]

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Former Jesuit College Tepotzotlán, State of Mexico

Did you know? Mexico has more World Heritage sites than any other country in the Americas

The status of World Heritage site is a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) denomination. The status is conferred on selected sites under the terms of “The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage”, adopted at UNESCO’s 17th General Conference in November 1972 and subsequently ratified by 186 member […]

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Raul Ybarra: Embryography of a Mexican jeweler

Embryography of a jeweler Raúl Ybarra

It is perhaps only in the “advanced” civilizations that artists are elevated above craftsmen, with the former thought to be leading the cultural vanguard while the latter are only practicing traditional folk crafts. This attitude often separates the artistic talent from the technical prowess of art. There is nothing wrong with a painter who relies […]

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The passion of Christ in Ixtapalapa

The passion of Christ in Ixtapalapa, a Mexico City neighborhood

The first traces of an awakening sun touch the morning horizon, brushing aside the night’s long shadows. On the streets of Ixtapalapa, a working class neighborhood 30 minutes by cab from the center of Mexico City, young men – some in the dress of the Jerusalem of 2000 years ago – shuffle by hurriedly. Many […]

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Work Permits For Mexico – Advice from an old hat

Note: Though the terminology has changed since this post was written, the basic principles when applying for work permits remain very similar. Ask no more. Yes, foreigners can legally work in Mexico, for any length of time, provided they obtain the required permission from the Mexican Immigration Office. If you are one of those souls […]

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Tourist life in Mazatlan

Easy living in Mazatlan, the Pearl of the Pacific

Recently, a number of books, magazine articles, web sites and Internet forums have begun to include discussions among surprisingly large numbers of Americans and Canadians about the possibility of retiring in Mexico. When specific locations are discussed, a few areas seem to dominate the conversations, specifically those areas where sizable “enclaves” of North American retirees […]

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Mexico’s a breeze

Hot on the lips of every American politician clamoring to seal America’s borders, immigration summons images of Ellis Island, undocumented workers, the nanny problem and political and economic refugees. Whether you’re sojourning in Mexico as a Mazatlan beachcomber, an aging boomer planning to hang out for a few years, or a 65 year old retiree, […]

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