El 2 de octubre no se olvida: lucha y masacre en Mexico, 1968: parte 1 la rebelion de los jovenes

Obrero Revolucionario #975, 27 de septiembre, 1998 Hace 30 años una pujante lucha popular sacudió a México hasta los cimientos y la juventud rebelde presentó batalla. Al atardecer del 2 de octubre de 1968, en ciudad de México miles de estudiantes y residentes llenan la plaza de las Tres Culturas de la unidad habitacional Tlatelolco. […]

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Sliced Iguana: Travels in Unknown Mexico by Isabella Tree

Cogan’s Reviews In October I reviewed ” Miraculous Air” by C.M. Mayo, the story of one woman’s journey around the one thousand mile stretch of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. Here’s another – which I enjoyed just as much – in that same ‘intrepid ladies’ genre, where Isabella Tree tells about her solitary travels to various parts of […]

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Did you know? Mexico has more than 100 Magic Towns

One of the Mexican Tourism Secretariat’s flagship programs in recent years has been its Magic Towns designation. This is a program after my own heart, and one that was long overdue when it was finally begun in 2001. Mexico’s Magic Towns (Pueblos Mágicos) range from tiny, almost undiscovered villages on the coast to sizeable inland […]

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Roberto Osuna

Ask an old gringo about baseball, Canadians, ukuleles and orange juice

Readers of MexConnect magazine are sharper than the average turkey. They monitor the news, spot little headlines and hear tidbits and rumors related to Mexico and immediately check to see what the old gringo knows. Depending on the subject and how much really good Mexican coffee he had with breakfast, ability to inform fluctuates. His level […]

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Traveler’s Guide to Mexican Camping, 3rd Edition by Mike and Terri Church

By Mike and Terri Church Rolling Homes Press, 2005 Available from Amazon Books: Paperback This indispensable guide for campers exploring Mexico (and Belize) – using RV or tent – and now in its third edition is loaded with practical information. Chapter 1, Why Camp Mexico?, lists some of the reasons to explore Mexico: the beaches – […]

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