Escape to Mexico: An Anthology of Great Fiction edited by Sara Nickles

Cogan’s Reviews Here’s a collection of stories with a rather unusual theme. Mexico isn’t just the place where the action takes place in these tales. Rather, it’s as if Mexico – sunny, exotic, mysterious and occasionally slightly dangerous – is yet another character in each of the tales. There are 18 stories here, by authors […]

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Sliced Iguana: Travels in Unknown Mexico by Isabella Tree

Cogan’s Reviews In October I reviewed ” Miraculous Air” by C.M. Mayo, the story of one woman’s journey around the one thousand mile stretch of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. Here’s another – which I enjoyed just as much – in that same ‘intrepid ladies’ genre, where Isabella Tree tells about her solitary travels to various parts of […]

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Mexifornia, a State of Becoming by Victor Davis Hanson

Cogan’s Reviews “Mexifornia,” to quote the author, “is about the nature of a new California and what it means for America – a reflection upon the strange society that is emerging as the result of a demographic and a cultural revolution like no other in our times.” Thus Victor Davis Hanson opens his close examination […]

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The Annexation of Mexico: From the Aztecs to the Imf, One Reporter’s Journey through History by John Ross

Cogan’s Reviews Cynicism isn’t my favorite literary mode. It wears thin after a while. And John Ross is nothing if not cynical. For the first two chapters I wondered if I was going to make it all the way. However, the saving factor in his book, “The Annexation of Mexico” is that most of the […]

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Yesterday’s Train: A Rail Odyssey through Mexican History by Terry Pindell with Lourdes Ramirez Mallis

Cogan’s Reviews I have to admit there were moments during my reading of the first hundred or so pages of this book when I wondered if I would finish it. Rereading the notes I made along the way I see that at one point I wrote the question: Who are the intended readers of this […]

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