Did You Know? Mexico in the Guinness world records: part two

An earlier column described several Guinness records and their connection to Mexico and Mexicans. This month’s column examines four more very different Guinness records which do not involve quite as much physical activity. In movie images, Mexico is almost invariably associated with cacti and it should, therefore, come as no surprise to find that the […]

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Xilitla, San Luis Potosi

Xilitla es un lugar mágico en el San Luis Potosi

Es tal la cantidad de obras construidas dentro de Xilitla que resultaría imposible enumerarlas, como este fragmento, de arcos, columnas y ventanas de los más encontrados estilos arquitectónicos hechas por el simple placer de sentir el viento, la humedad y la libertad que transpira a cada instante en este mágico lugar… Escaleras sin fin que […]

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