Personality and Adjustment – The Foreign Executive in Mexico

Business in Mexico During the 16 years that I have been living in Mexico, I have worked with many International families. They were in our great city mostly as a result of the husband’s work transfer. My contact with these families usually came as a result of their need for help. Although each family has […]

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Adjusting to Mexico: Transitional anxiety – Part 3, an overview

Business in Mexico Part 1 provides an Introduction and Interpersonal effects. Part 2 – Intrapersonal Symptoms During the time that I have been living in Mexico, I have worked with many international families. They were in Mexico City mostly as a result of the husband’s work transfer. The contact with these families, however, usually came as […]

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Adjusting to Mexico: Transitional anxiety and interpersonal effects – Part 2

Business in Mexico Part 1 provides an Introduction and Interpersonal effects. Part 3 – Overview Moving to a foreign country makes enormous demands upon our psyche. Not only do we have to deal with the stress of leaving home, we also have to struggle to find the way to live within a country whose culture, society, […]

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Adjusting to Mexico: Transitional anxiety and interpersonal effects – Part 1

Business in Mexico As many international families can attest, adjusting to life in Mexico City or other major city in Mexico is a unique challenge. Some families, unfortunately, do not fare too well. In this article, some of the more common symptoms of a difficult personal and social adjustment to Mexico will be discussed. These […]

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