Power Play

Doing Business in Mexico Empowering employees in Mexico presents a different series of challenges than in the United States. Mexico’s hierarchical and authoritarian tradition makes it extremely difficult for managers to delegate responsibilities to their employees—something any manager or director must do to run an efficient business. Empowerment in Mexico can be successful, though, if […]

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You Owe Me One! Or the Concept of Favors in Mexico and in the U.S.A.

Doing Business in Mexico Favors are done in every culture, but how favors are given and received differs among cultures. Comparing the mainstream U.S. culture and Mexico regarding this issue, we find striking differences, which often lead to important misunderstandings among people. In the U.S., informal favors are seen as voluntary actions, which nevertheless create […]

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Mexican-Anglo staff meetings: Meetings halfway

Doing Business in Mexico A reality of any manager’s life is attending and calling staff meetings. Another reality is that most managers complain staff meetings are a “waste of time.” When meetings involve Mexican and Anglo-American managers (including most Canadians in the second group), the issue of time-management becomes salient, and in my experience, one […]

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Cultural differences and clarity in Mexico’s business world

Doing Business in Mexico When U.S. executives are sent to Mexico, they soon hear that Mexicans are “indirect” and “will not give you a straight answer, “especially if what needs to be communicated is unpleasant.” Thus, the generalized statement about the Mexican “vagueness” is often heard among foreigners residing in Mexico. But vagueness is only […]

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Taxes in Mexico

Note: The Mexican tax system has been updated numerous times since this article was first published; always check with a reputable accountant for up-to-date information. The Mexican tax system has been subjected to comprehensive tax reform legislation, enacted principally in 1986 and 1988. The dramatic changes are an attempt to make it compatible with the […]

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Documents needed to ship your product to Mexico

Importers will use a customs broker (a private-sector provider of services) of choice to obtain release of the merchandise. The customs agent will provide to importers all necessary information relating to applicable duties and non-tariff regulations. The customs entry will be accompanied by: the commercial invoice, when the customs value of the merchandise is determined […]

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