Did You Know? Three thousand people died in 1833 Guadalajara cholera epidemic

When Mexico braced herself for the imminent arrival of cholera from South America fifteen years ago, many people believed that the disease had never previously been known here. During the nineteenth century, however, there were several outbreaks, including the epidemic of 1833 in which more than 3,000 people died in the city of Guadalajara alone. […]

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Did You Know? Birth control pills come from Mexican yams

The oral contraceptive pill, often referred to simply as “the Pill” was officially fifty years old on October 15, 2001. In the words of The Economist: it “was arguably the first lifestyle drug to control a normal bodily function – fertility – rather than a dread disorder. It transformed the lives of millions and helped reshape […]

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In a Village Far from Home: A book on Mexico’s Cora people

Cogan’s Reviews In a Village Far From Home: My Life Among the Cora Indians of the Sierra Madre By Catherine Palmer Finerty University of Arizona Press Paperback, 2000 Available from Amazon Books: Paperback I borrowed this book from a friend who borrowed it from a friend. And when I was finished I immediately started recommending it […]

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International insurance plans for foreigners in Mexico

Updated September 16, 2013 It is advisable to have international health insurance while traveling or living as an expatriate. Having an international health plan gives a person, family or group a variety of choices when it comes to health care. For example, a person covered by such a plan can choose a private hospital or […]

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