Cornish Meat Pies: Pasteles de Carne

Although undoubtedly made without chile in their native Cornwall, these tasty, filling meat pies have been mexicanized in translation, usually with the addition of serrano chiles, either canned in vinaigrette or fresh. Some cooks incorporate cream cheese into the dough, but the filling is so rich, the pastes do nicely without the extra fat and calories. Ingredients: […]

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Hidalgo Style Fava Bean Soup: Caldo de Habas Estilo de Hidalgo

Although fresh fava beans appear only in springtime in the markets of Central Mexico, the dried versions are available throughout the year and cook much more quickly than other dried beans. I gave a recipe for a Puebla style fava bean soup in the November 2003 issue of Mexico Connect, but this one differs in its use […]

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Spiced Lamb Steamed in Maguey Leaves: Mixiotes de Carnero

Mixiotes de carnero are a specialty of the central Mexican states of Puebla, Tlaxcala and Hidalgo. They are flavored with two of the most distinctively Mexican of leaves: avocado leaves, which are enclosed with the meat, and pencas de maguey – the inner layer of maguey leaves – used to wrap the meat. Mixiote wrappers- papel para mixiotes – may be used to wrap […]

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Mexican pineapple, apple, orange and coconut marmalade

Mixed fruit marmalades are popular in Hidalgo, served with all manner of cakes and breads. This recipe for Mexican pineapple, apple, orange and coconut marmalade is adapted from CONACULTA’s La Cocina Familiar en el Estado de Hidalgo. Ingredients 1 pound fresh pineapple, peeled, cored and finely chopped 1 pound apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped juice […]

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La Cocina de Hidalgo: Nace de Diversos Climas y Culturas

A lo largo de los años, hemos viajado por carretera desde México a diferentes partes de los Estados Unidos. Las rutas varían, y algunas son más escénicas que otras. Uno de los viajes más bonitos pasó por el estado de Hidalgo, en el norte de México central. Ahí, los paisajes todavía asemejan al arte de […]

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Mermelada de piña, manzana, naranja y coco

Las mermeladas de frutas mezcladas son populares en Hidalgo, y se sirven de todas las maneras posibles sobre pasteles y pan. Ésta receta está adaptada de La Cocina Familiar en el Estado de Hidalgode CONACULTA. Ingredientes 1 libra de piña fresca, pelada, sin el corazón y finamente picada 1 libra de manzanas, peladas, sin corazón y […]

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