Hands around Lake Chapala, Mexico – an eco event

On Saturday, June 3rd, residents of Lakeside, schools, and visitors from Guadalajara, came together in a showing of support for Lake Chapala in the first annual, Hands Around the Lake event, which happened simultaneously in nearly 40 locations along its shores. For a first effort it showed promise, and underlined that Lake Chapala needs much […]

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Rita Pomade: artist and graphoanalyst in Mexico

This month’s cover features an etching by local artist and graphoanalyst, Rita Pomade, who admits to having a life-long fascination with lines and their potential for expression. Rita works in pen and ink, printmaking, linocuts, and pastel, as well as interpreting the lines of her client’s handwriting, for which she studied two and a half years in […]

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Aloe verde. Credit: WandererCreative, Creative Commons. CCO.

Essential plants in the Mexican household: Limon, papaya and sabila

There are three plants that are an essential part of the Mexican household, limon [lime, not lemon], papaya, and the trusty sabila [aloe vera]. Every Mexican home that has some kind of a piece of garden has an arbol de limones in it, a lime tree, not a lemon tree. It is planted as a twig, nurtured lovingly, and if it has not […]

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