AA: Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Mexico

Your Sanborn’s Travelog has a complete list of meetings. The following information was excerpted from Mike’s book, Live Better South of the Border. This material is NOT copyrighted and you are free to download it and share it with others. That’s the idea, isn’t it? You’ll find AA throughout Mexico, even in small towns. NA has a sizable […]

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Mexican Samurai

In the mid-sixties while others were espousing peace, love, and rock and roll, Gaby Shiraga left Japan and came to Mexico. He spoke only Japanese, ordering his first foreign meal by miming a chicken laying eggs. The waiter immediately understood and brought Gaby’s sunny-side-up breakfast. No one knows how he ordered the bacon. Gaby, an […]

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How my Mexican relatives came to California and saved the US economy

If you are a very lucky person, somebody in your family marries into a Mexican family and you end up with an abundance of diversified riches in your life. Your home rings with laughter in at least two languages, your walls shout happy in vibrant colors, and your comfort zone is extended by thousands of […]

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All’s well in Copoya: Village life in modern Mexico

I have spent the early morning hours of this cool, beautiful summer morning surfing the Internet for international news and letters from friends in distant places. With my laptop clicking and whirring — and my modem giving me the occasional seductive wink — I make final revisions to a manuscript scheduled for publication on “Mexico […]

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Work Permits For Mexico – Advice from an old hat

Note: Though the terminology has changed since this post was written, the basic principles when applying for work permits remain very similar. Ask no more. Yes, foreigners can legally work in Mexico, for any length of time, provided they obtain the required permission from the Mexican Immigration Office. If you are one of those souls […]

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