A Frida Kahlo doll wears the artist's characteristic indigenous dress © Alvin Starkman, 2012

Ask an old gringo about Frida Kahlo, Mexico contradictions, colorful protests

I repeat: Contrary to rumor, many years and extensive travels in Mexico do not qualify me as a know-it-all, A-1 infallible expert. I apologize if I have faked you out. I do try to answer all questions or redirect them to more knowledgeable sources. I thoroughly enjoy most exchanges with readers. I offer a few […]

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Spanish edition of The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz

Ask an old gringo about Octavio Paz, Mexico reforms, giant fish tank, price break

The format for “Ask an old gringo” is simple enough: Answer questions from Mexconnect readers if I think I know what I am talking about, and save some that might be of general interest to share with all of you. * * * * *Question: Who is/was Octavio Paz and what is the meaning of […]

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