Jan 4: That's blue sky!  April will be wonderful

Did You Know? January’s weather in Mexico forecasts the rest of the year

Many Mexicans, especially campesinos, who are closer to the land than most, believe that the weather during the month of January serves as a long-range forecast for the entire year. The precise prediction system is thought to be based on long cycles of observations carried out in an age when people depended far more on […]

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View across Plaza Norte to Temple One, Comalcalco

Did You Know? Mayan pyramid in Tabasco, Mexico, has possible Roman links

ROMANS in Mexico? I’ve always tried to maintain an open-minded attitude towards history, but even I was incredulous when I first heard this suggestion. And you certainly won’t find it in most history books!  Could it possibly be true? The evidence comes from the Mayan site at Comalcalco, in the swampy Gulf coast state of Tabasco. […]

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Temples of the Mist: Mayan 6th Sun

AuthorHouse (Bloomington, Indiana), 2009 Available from Amazon Books: Paperback Temples of the Mist is for teenagers and about teenagers. Seventeen-year-old Caleana and her thirteen-year-old brother Marsh were part of a happy family, a California beach-town family that had a “deep longing to make a difference in the world,” a family where the mother practiced yoga and wrote […]

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A temple crowns El Castillo pyramid at the great Post-Classic Maya city of Chichen Itze. This image is known the world over. © Elisa Velazquez 2008.

Maya Doomsday

I’m sick and tired of hearing disagreements between the U.S.A. and Mexico. First, there’s the emigration thing with fences and coyotes and blustering politicians; second is the drug thing where the U.S. blames Mexico for their own addictive population; and now the U.S. is blaming the Maya for a prophesied 2012 doomsday scenario. Let’s take […]

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The Maya Civilization: Historical Conflict with the Spaniards (part 2)

The Maya Civilization Historical Conflict Part 2 (To Part 1) “Just because of the crazy times, because of the crazy priests, is it that sadness overtook us, that ‘Christianity’ overcame us. Because the ‘very Christians’ came here with the true God, but that was the beginning of our misery, the beginning of the tribute… the […]

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La Civilización Maya Conflicto Histórico Parte 1

No hay verdad en las palabras de los extranjeros. Chilam Balam de Chumayel Las noticias nos llegan todos los días. Denuncias de movimientos del ejército mexicano en Chiapas; pronunciamientos y declaraciones de diferentes grupos y líderes; comisiones de paz que nacen y mueren como las flores del campo. Violencia y matanzas. Injusticia y opresión. Artículos […]

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La Civilización Maya: Conflicto Histórico, Parte 2

El libro del Chilam Balam de Chumayel es el más importante de los códices o manuscritos propiamente mayas que hasta hoy se conocen. Este libro recoge tradiciones orales de la historia maya; parte de ella, la llegada de los españoles al país: “Solamente por el tiempo loco, por los locos sacerdotes, fue que entró en […]

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The Maya Civilization, references

De la Garza, Mercedes, y León-Portilla, Miguel, Literatura Maya. Compilación de textos: Popol Vuh, Memorial de Sololá, Libro de Chilam Balam de Chumayel, Rabinal Achí, Libro de los Cantares de Dzibalché, Título de los Señores de Totonicapán, Las historias de los Xpantzay, Códice de Calkiní. Biblioteca Ayacucho. Caracas, Venezuela, 1980. ISBN: 84-499-1303-9. Landa, Fray Diego […]

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