Puerto Escondido’s romantic Hotel Santa Fe

Your cab deposits you outside the arched entrance to the pastel stucco hotel, and as you pass through its main portal, you are transported to another dimension, another time, to a village in Spain perhaps, or to a romantic hacienda or convent of the colonial era. You pinch yourself, thinking this unusually attractive place cannot possibly be […]

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Getting to the heart of Oaxacan cuisine: A cooking class with Susana Trilling

Mexican Kitchen The longer one lives and travels in Mexico, the more meaningless the term “Mexican food” seems to become, for the true cuisine of Mexico contains such distinct regional differences that some people claim that they can tell what part of the country they are in just by tasting the food. This may be […]

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Handcrafted puzzles for sale: The rompecabeza man in Oaxaca

[” Rompe – Cabeza ” (ROM-pe ca -BAY-sa, literally “head breaker”), is a term that Mexicans apply to all puzzles, from crosswords to mazes.] As you stroll through the Alameda, the vest-pocket park in front of the Cathedral plaza in Oaxaca, around 7:00 in the evening, keep an eye out for Ignacio Cervantes. He’s the elderly, white-goatee’d […]

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Stuffed Mexican crepes with sweet potato and pineapple sauce: crepas rellenas con salsa de camote y piña

This was the course that I prepared during class, and although it is an impressive dessert, it is much easier than it will seem to guests, because the crepes, filling and sauce can all be made ahead. Naturally, we used the delicious requesón that we bought that morning at the Etla market, but farmer cheese […]

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