Avocado and orange salad: Ensalada de aguacate con naranja

This salad was inspired by the nearly football-size avocados we bought in the market in San Blas Atempa, a small town right outside Tehuantepec. We had seen some similar ones from Chiapas, but were told that these were locally grown. The juiciness of the orange segments makes a nice textural contrast to the creaminess of […]

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Receta para Ensalada Cholulterranea

Los dos tipos de calabaza utilizados en éste platillo, al igual que las semillas de calabaza y flor de calabaza, son ingredientes característicos de la cocina del centro de México. Si no puede conseguir chilacayote en su área, sustitúyalo con crookneck squash. Los quintoniles son verduras comestibles, similares a espinaca cambray, el cual se puede utilizar. Al […]

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Cholula Style Vegetable Salad: Ensalada Cholulterranea

Both types of squash used in this dish, along with pumpkin seeds and squash blossoms, are characteristic ingredients in Central Mexican cooking. If chilacayote is unavailable in your area, substitute crookneck squash. Quintoniles are an edible green, similar in taste to lamb’s quarters or baby spinach, which can be used. Roasting the vegetables and toasting the greens […]

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Arroz rojo

Ingredientes: 1/4 taza de aceite 1 1/2 tazas de arroz blanco 1/2 cebolla mediana, picada 2 – 3 jitomates chicos 2 dientes de ajo 3 1/4 taza de agua o caldo de pollo 1 taza de verdura congelada (chícharos, zanahorias, elotes o una combinación de estos (opcional) Sal al gusto   Procedimiento: Limpia el arroz, […]

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