Chicken in almond sauce: Pollo en salsa de almendras

This dish is easy and elegant enough for company, as well as a delicious every-day comida. It may be made ahead and reheated, covered. Ingredients: 1 3 1/2-4 pound chicken, cut into serving pieces 1/2 medium white onion, studded with 2 cloves 2 cloves garlic, peeled 6 whole black peppercorns water to cover salt or powdered chicken […]

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Flour, eggs and huazontle become delicious tortitas © Daniel Wheeler, 2010

Mexican huazontle croquettes: Tortitas de huazontle

I had these for the first time at Las Cazuelas de Tlaxcala, a restaurant in Tlaxcala with really authentic Central Mexican cuisine. They can be served with a simple tomato sauce or with a pasilla or tomatillo sauce. Ingredients 1 pound huazontle bud clusters (the tops, with stems and leaves removed) 1 pound rice, cooked and allowed to cool […]

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Special Meat Filling for Tacos: Carne Especial para Tacos o Tortas

Ingredients: 1/2 C. oil 1 kilo pork shank, cleaned and cut into 1/2 inch cubes 10 small chilacate peppers 5 small tomatoes 2 bay leaves 4 whole peppercorns 1/2 C. vinegar 1 clove garlic salt 40 tortillas Preparation: Place the oil in a pressure cooker and add the meat. Brown the meat for approximately 10 […]

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Chicken and artichoke heart tostadas: Tostadas de pollo y corazon de alcachofa

Tostadas are one of our pantry staples, and so are marinated artichoke hearts. Vegetarians can leave out the chicken and substitute firm tofu. Canned and bottled artichoke hearts are found in most large Mexican supermarkets, and in those shops called tiendas de ultramarinos, which are usually grocery stores carrying food items imported from Spain, as well […]

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Duck in Mexican red pipian sauce: Pato en pipian rojo

Pipian, made with ground chiles and seeds, is usually served with chicken. Duck makes it an elegant dish to serve dinner guests and is especially suitable in the cooler months. This column has featured recipes for green pipian and this month presents a red pipian sauce that can be used with duck, chicken, or pork. Ingredients For the […]

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