Red snapper with Mexican mango sauce: Huachinango con salsa de mango

Mexico’s coastal areas border on the tropical parts of the country where mangos abound, so the combination of fish and fruit is a natural. Filet of sole or grouper would also work well with this recipe. The fish can be either broiled or grilled, either of which is a dry heat method that provides an […]

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Requeson cheese with fried tortilla triangles: Resqueson botanero con totopos

Requesón is a soft, white cheese, similar to ricotta in consistency, though not as sweet. If ricotta is used in place of requesón, blending it with cottage cheese until smooth will produce a taste similar to true requesón. This recipe is quick, easy, and can be prepared a few hours ahead if necessary, making it […]

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Shrimp in damiana and tequila sauce: Camarones al damiana y tequila

Damiana is a small, yellow flowered shrub that grows wild in Baja. The leaves and stems are picked fresh when the plant is flowering, and dried to make liqueur. It is used frequently with tequila, and some say that the original margarita was made with damiana liqueur and not “that French stuff.” The best damiana […]

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"Pepper Pail" By Linda Paul

The comadre and her sixteen children, or how I started cooking Mexican food

I first met the comadre through a colleague of mine at the University of Puebla, Mexico. I was in the habit of bringing meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and other “gringo food” that the professor’s elderly American father missed, to his house in Cholula, the small town where we both lived, and where the comadre worked as his housekeeper. She […]

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Amaranth Greens with Poblano Chile Strips: Quintoniles con Rajas

Amaranth greens were a staple in pre-Hispanic Mexico until the Spanish friars declared amaranth a forbidden crop because the seeds were used by the indigenous people to form replicas of their gods. Thankfully, nutritious amaranth is now cultivated for its seeds, used in candy and cereal. The leaves are also widely used, especially in southern […]

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Duck Breast in Pumpkin Seed Sauce: Pechuga de Pato en Pipian Verde

Pipian is a specialty of central Mexico, especially the states of Puebla and Mexico. Restaurants in Mexico seem to feature more duck on their menus in the last few years, although the native muscovy duck was domesticated and eaten in pre-Hispanic times. I have adapted my recipe for pipian verde, which I learned to cook in Puebla […]

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