Arroz rojo

Ingredientes: 1/4 taza de aceite 1 1/2 tazas de arroz blanco 1/2 cebolla mediana, picada 2 – 3 jitomates chicos 2 dientes de ajo 3 1/4 taza de agua o caldo de pollo 1 taza de verdura congelada (chícharos, zanahorias, elotes o una combinación de estos (opcional) Sal al gusto   Procedimiento: Limpia el arroz, […]

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Mexican pear and candied pistachio salad: Ensalada de pera y pistache garapiñada

Use whatever dark salad greens are available in your local market for this pear and candied pistachio salad. Mixed baby greens are ideal, but no iceberg lettuce here, please. The nuts can be made ahead and stored in an airtight container. The honey chipotle vinaigrette dressing can also be made ahead and stored in the […]

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Baby new potatoes with garlic and cumin: Papitas al ajillo

Choose the very smallest white or red potatoes you can find. Sometimes in Cholula, I find potatoes as small as marbles. This recipe is adapted from Larousse de la Cocina Mexicana by Alicia Gironella D’Angeli and Giorgio D’Angeli. Ingredients 1 ½ pounds baby new potatoes, as small as possible 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 garlic cloves, minced […]

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Tomatillo Salsa with Avocado: Salsa de Tomate Verde con Aguacate

This salsa retains the fresh, green taste of tomatillos that have not been boiled. It can be made ahead, except for the avocado, which should be added right before serving. Just about everyone who tastes this, served as a dip with totopos (corn chips), asks for the recipe. Ingredients: 12 tomatillos, husks peeled 1 small white onion, […]

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Stuffed poblano chiles with quinoa: Chiles rellenos con quinoa

Who doesn’t like chiles rellenos? They don’t have to be battered and fried to taste good, and this oven-baked version is flavorful without being a blast of fat. For non-vegetarians who get mopey without their meat fix, sauté some Mexican chorizo, drain well, and add it with the other filling ingredients for stuffed poblano chiles with […]

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